Social Media EtiquetteAccording to Instagram, they aim to be "an authentic and safe place for inspiration and expression". You could understand why we love it as a tool for showcasing the beauty of our wedding business!
To remain in good standing as an IG user, we follow their community guidelines, click here to view. Adopting their policies as our own, our statement regarding social media etiquette is this: Tan Weddings & Events has an obligation and responsibility to protect the integrity of our clients, vendors, and venues featured in our IG feed (this applies to FB and Twitter also). The images and content we post reflect our company's commitment to unity, diversity, creativity, and synergy - a "safe place for inspiration and expression". In this regard, it is our right to remove comments whose nature appears to be spam, negative, shaming, hateful, and/or disrespectful. Here are a few highlights from Instagram's Community Guidelines that are pertinent to our business policies on social media etiquette. "When you see an upsetting post, caption or comment on Instagram, consider the larger conversation it may be connected to. Step back and determine the context of the post. Many people use Instagram in ways that are specific only to our service, which can create some confusion when something is taken out of context. Have you checked hashtags associated with the post? It's possible that the post is part of a trend or may be referring to something that's not obvious. Review all information related to the post or the full profile of the person who shared the post to understand the whole story." "We want to foster a positive, diverse community. We remove content that contains credible threats or hate speech, content that targets private individuals to degrade or shame them, personal information meant to blackmail or harass someone, and repeated unwanted messages." "It's never OK to encourage violence or attack anyone based on their race, ethnicity, national origin, sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, disabilities, or diseases. When hate speech is being shared to challenge it or to raise awareness, we may allow it. In those instances, we ask that you express your intent clearly." "When you receive unwanted communication from another person, it's recommended that you block that person and end any communication. Specifically, this will prevent that person from following you or searching for your profile. Abusive people often lose interest once they realize that you will not respond or that they can no longer interact with you." Positive messages, "likes", praise, and shared excitement for our posted images and content are of course encouraged and welcomed - we love that! If there are genuine concerns with the post in regard to our captions and images - whether we inaccurately represented the featured clients, vendors, and venues, or you have specific questions about our company policies, it is best to message us privately or email us, so we know you have a legitimate question or concern, and we can open a channel of meaningful communication. |